Yahoo group for incredimail letters

Welcome To
.:: A La Carte Incredimail ::.

We share all types and themes of Incredimail Stats. Tags matching IM Stats may also be shared.
Our ratings range from G to SAC stats in good taste. Absolutely no nudity allowed.
IM letter creators are given respect by not allowing the ripping of headers.
Weekly participation is encouraged, even if it's just to say hi on an Incredimail stat.
Members sharing is what makes a Group successful.

Since we're an Incredimail sharing Group, jokes, photos, political, etc email's are not to be shared. We want everyone to have fun sharing without the drama or controversy.

Creators and Snaggers are alway's welcome!

Thank You for stopping by and we look forward to you joining our A La Carte IM family!
Angel and Sheryl ~ Owners


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